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                Guangdong Baihe New Materials Technology Co., Ltd

                Service hotline:+86-20-66850288-801

                ABOUT US

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                Company Profile

                Guangdong Baihe New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., established on July 28, 2008, is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the research and development and production of water-based water-based environmentally friendly coating new materials. The research and development team is led by a doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a postdoctoral fellow from overseas studying in the United States. After 15 years of continuous innovation, we have developed high-tech products such as water-based composite adhesives, ink resins, gravure printing ink, and water-based matte oil, and have obtained 5 invention patent authorizations; Obtained 15 utility model patent authorizations, able to provide mature ink and water-based composite adhesive products and reliable application solutions for customers in the plastic flexible packaging industry; It can provide Waterborne resins with high cost performance and technical solutions that can be industrialized and popularized for manufacturers of water paint in the field of plastic gravure printing ink wash, coating plastic or metal applications.

                At present, Baihe New Material has three production bases, and the production capacity of various water-based material products (ink, glue and resin lotion) can reach 60000 tons per year; Capable of meeting the product needs of hundreds of customers simultaneously.

                Baihe water-based composite adhesive 2118 aims to completely replace solvent based dry composite adhesive. Combined with specialized curing agents, it can adapt to all commonly used composite material structures, with high composite strength, environmental protection, safety, and no emissions. It can root out VOC from the source and reduce composite costs.

                Baihe gravure printing plastic ink is produced with Waterborne resins, which is independently developed and polymerized. It has good adhesion on various substrates, full color and high brightness after printing, and is suitable for various composite processes (solvent-free, solvent adhesive dry bonding, water adhesive). After laminating, the peel strength is high, which can reduce costs;

                Baihe Waterborne Resin lotion is a bonding material specially tailored for gravure printing plastic ink wash. It is a nanometer high molecular polymer, which has good pigment wrapping performance, good color rolling performance, strong adhesion to various substrates, and high cost performance. It is an ideal choice for making gravure printing ink wash. Baihe water-based resin can also be used in the manufacture of water-based paint coated on PP plastic, metal or glass surfaces.

                We can meet the personalized service needs of every user, customize the best process plan for each customer based on their material structure, different conditions of equipment using ink and glue, and specific customer requirements, and assist on-site in mastering practical operation essentials to ensure satisfactory results for customers.

                Due to our craftsmanship, perseverance, and focus, the quality of Baihe New Materials' ink and adhesive products is becoming increasingly mature and stable, and they are being favored by more and more industry customers. Ink, adhesive, and paint are an unstoppable development trend in the future, and will comprehensively replace traditional solvent based products in the field of plastic packaging and automotive spraying. This water-based new material revolution will also improve the ecological environment on a large scale It is more conducive to human food safety and health, saves massive social resources, and significantly reduces the production costs of packaging and painting.

                Our dream is to create the best ink and glue products for the plastic flexible packaging industry, with stable and reliable quality, mature and simple technology; Help industry customers achieve their dreams of green packaging, safe packaging, and sustainable development.
